This information is designed to teach you the basics of TACFORM and prepare for LTJG.
{{ Define terminology in a markdown table }}
- TACFORM will teach you how sections maneuver while in combat spread
- The Navy’s tactical doctrine for combat has at its heart a section of fighters operating in combat spread
- The When/Why of employing TACFORM will be taught in the TF2 course (Advanced TACFORM)
- All maneuvers executed at MIL power
- Maintain 350KIAS (Indicated Airspeed in Knots) (for training purposes)
- Adjust pull to maintain airspeed
- Foundation of TACFORM
- Wing flys on Lead’s 90 degree bearing line (abeam)
- 0.8nm to 1.0nm separation
- 1000ft step up from Lead (Lead has option to brief step down)
- Default combat formation
- Allows both maneuverability and for pilots to devote time to cockpit tasks
- Wing flys on Lead’s 90 degree bearing line (abeam)
- 1.2nm to 1.5nm separation
- Up to 3000ft above or below Lead (as briefed)
- Employed offensively against known threats from a specific axis
- Allows both maneuverability and for pilots to devote time to cockpit tasks
- As Wingman you are responsible for maintaining sight and staying in position
- Your Lead is responsible for navigation, external comms, objectives, tactical decisions
- Both pilots responsible for good lookout doctrine, internal comms, and safety
- Lookout doctrine requires coordinated scan patterns (both inside and outside aircraft) to ensure maximum visual coverage (Figure 1-4)
{{ List any items that students should practice committing to recall, things they should be able to do without looking it up again }}
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